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Ars Nostra
Eun-Hye Park composer
Lewis Nielson composer
Gerald Chenoweth composer
Paul Reller composer
Daniel Perlongo composer
Sang-Hie Lee piano
Martha Thomas piano
Kyoung Cho soprano
Pianist Sang-Hie Lee performs original works written for two pianos, by internationally recognized composers Gerald Chenoweth, Eun-Hye Park, Lewis Nielson, Daniel Perlongo, and Paul Reller, in ARS NOSTRA: BUT NOW THE NIGHT. Along with collaborating pianist Martha Thomas, the pieces showcase the instrument as a “super piano”, unveiling textures and new combinations of sounds not accessible with a soloist.
Aber Jetzt Die Nacht by Lewis Nielson, begins by contrasting a distinct motive against outbursts of relatively abstract, dissonant music. About halfway through, the work reveals its true structural goal of exploring the extremes of a piano’s color. This new direction is signaled by two glissandi, initiating the appearance of many more dramatic and unusual piano sounds, including knocking of the instrument’s case and playing touch harmonics inside the piano.
Sonata For Two Pianos by Paul Reller, contains four major sections shaped by continuous notes moving from different rhythms, from rock and roll to jazz, flowing fast-slowest-fastest-slow, which can be seen as a microcosm of a classical four-movement sonata. Influences of Ives and McDowell blend with classic balance and symmetry, creating leaps and chaotic dissonances alongside moments of exotic harmonies and calmer melodies.
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Artist Information
Sang-Hie Lee
Dr. Sang-Hie Lee, Professor of Music at the University of South Florida, is an active teacher, pianist, researcher, author, and cross-disciplinary administrator. As the founder of Ars Nostra, she performs piano ensemble music by significant living composers: her music is featured on six albums by Ravello, Centaur, Capstone, and Albany labels. Lee is the principal author of Scholarly Research in Music: Shared and Disciplinary-Specific Practices (McGraw Hill, 2012-2013, Routledge 2017, 2022). She is the primary editor of Perspectives in Performing Arts Medicine: A Multidisciplinary Approach (Springer 2020) and was the founding Editor of the Cultural Expressions in Music Monographs Series (College Music Society 2008-2014). She is the author of 74 scholarly publications, has presented 85 conference papers, keynotes, and lectures, hosted seven international conferences, and performed numerous solo and chamber-music concerts in the United States, South Korea, China, Serbia, Brazil, Italy, and Canada.